Alex multi-services

Company name :

Alex multi-services

Address : 369 grande rue
City / Post code : CHARCIER 39130
Country : France
Phone / Mobile : 0612237188
E-mail :
Contact person : patin alexandre - n/a
VAT Reg No : FR33519527642
Type of company : Trader
Company activity : Distributor / wholesaler, Plum, Cherry, Birch, Chestnut, Horse chestnut, Maple, Hornbeam, Plane, Firewood, Companies, operations, Trader, Trade agent, Walnut, Forester, Forest worker, Forest technician, Woodcutter, Skidder, Tractor, Logging / felling / skidding, Log truck, Spare production capacity, Forest machinery, Log truck, Larch, Woodworking machinery, Forest machinery, Services, Wood / log sawing, Jobs, Firewood, briquettes, Softwood, Hardwood, Beech, Oak, Locust, Logs, Spruce, Pine, Fir, Hemlock, Cedar, Thuja, Ash, Poplar, Alder, Lime (Linden), Pear
Business communication : English
Regional orientation of business : France
Year company was founded : 2020
Number of employees : 0 - 10
Branches / shops : 369 grande rue

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