Drevoma s.r.o

Company name :

Drevoma s.r.o

Address : Bratislavska 36
City / Post code : Trnava 91702
Country : Slovakia
Phone / Mobile : +421 905 836 904
E-mail : tomas.machala@drevoma.sk
Web site :
Contact person : Tomáš Machala - Supervisor
VAT Reg No : SK2022721074
Type of company : Producer / Manufacturer
Company activity : Pear, Other service, Other material, Glues, Solid wood panel, Hardwood, Softwood, Maple, Birch, Cherry, Walnut, Other wood products, Lime (Linden), Alder, Ash, Fir, Pine, Spruce, Larch, Oak, Beech
Business communication : Slovak, Czech
Regional orientation of business : Czech Republic, Slovakia
Year company was founded : 2008
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